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5 Fabulous Gifts for Mom —  Mothers Day, Birthday, You Name It

Our Mother’s Day Gift Guide has 5 fabulous gifts for Mom, or any of the other ladies you love in your life.

gifts for mom

When thinking of gifts for Mom, It’s all too easy, not to mention forgettable, to take mom out for the traditional Mothers Day Brunch, send her a cheery spring bouquet, or maybe even both, if you’re feeling flush.

But this year why not try something a little more creative, a little more indulgent and a little more enduring? After all, Mothers Day brunch only lasts a few hours, and flowers last a few days. “But the memories!” you insist. Mom SAYS they’re all she wants, but what she really craves are longer lasting indulgences she’d probably never buy for herself.

And while we’re on the subject of fantastic gifts for Mom, let’s take a moment to consider all those mother-like figures in your life—teachers, aunts, neighbors, mentors, especially those without children of their own— they would be so touched to be remembered on their special day.

We’ve selected five fabulous gifts for mom out of thousands, at various prices, that are sure to make Mom, or the other mom-like people in your life feel special. Know that we’ve sampled every single one of them, so we know of what we speak (er…write…er…type…).

5 Fabulous Gifts for Mom

Thera Box SubscriptionGifts for Mom

Your Mom has probably seen Thera Box featured on Oprah, Forbes, the Today Show, ABC News, or Good Morning America, so she’s sure to be appreciative of the brand. Each box contains eight full-sized self-care and wellness goodies to lift the mind, body & spirit, worth a total of $120-$200+.

Thera Boxes are therapist curated, and filled with all things mindful, thoughtful, and beautiful to help the supportive woman in your life de-stress and live a more inspired life. If you’re not sure she wants to be pampered every month, one box (like the Cozy Box pictured above) makes a nice gift on its own. 

The first box in a subscription costs $39.99, and every box after that is $45.00, which includes free shipping on Amazon.


Bamboo Sheets

5 fabulous gifts for mom

Everyone including Oprah loves bamboo sheets, but chances are Mom will never buy them for herself, and may be sleeping on the same sheets she had when you were born (many moms are like that).

Good bamboo sheets are soft and silky when you take them out of the package, and don’t have to be washed 100 times before they get comfortable. Our favorites are the Cariloha 100% viscose from bamboo sheets which are odor resistant, hypoallergenic, eco-friendly and cooling ($248.99 for a four-piece set on Amazon).

But if those are a bit rich for your blood, start with the Umchord bamboo sheet set, $49.99 on Amazon.


Fresh Cut Paper Bouquets

5 fabulous gifts for mom

We will probably never send Mom a greeting card again, and maybe never fresh flowers either, now that we know about these gorgeously designed, Fresh Cut Paper bouquets that can last all year long.

They’re bright, they’re beautiful, they’re made of 100% recyclable paper, and a tree is planted for every bouquet you buy. They come with a pretty gift card you can sign, and their own attractive but sturdy envelopes—just pop three forever stamps on them, and you’re good to go. Mom, or someone like her, will be thrilled.

$12.00 at


Flour & Branch Cookies


5 fabulous gifts for momOMG, if you’re going to send Mom sweets, go all out this year and send her something she’d never dream of baking herself. Flour & Branch cookies are the ultimate, especially the “Stuffys” which are delicious buttery cookies filled with delights like Nutella, PB&J, Guittard white chocolate chunks and more. You won’t believe all the incredible combinations.

The Gift Bundles, which come in lovely orange boxes and contain seven large, soft baked cookies, are something Dad can enjoy as well, if Mom doesn’t hide them in the closet underneath her nightgowns. And if cookies aren’t her thing, they also have outrageously flavored Rice Krispie treats that are almost as big as your head, stuffed French toast, honey buns and more.

$39 per Bundle at Flour & Branch


Jill Kirsh Color Collection

Gifts for Mom

Help Mom look her best every day of the year with goodies from the Jill Kirsh color collection. Jill offers visual one-on-one color coaching through her website, as well as those all important swatch books, which show Mom what colors look best on her depending on her hair color.

You’ll also find makeup that complements the color of her hair and cheery one-of-a-king and painted silk scarves (we have several, to go with our varying hair colors). Our advice is to give Mom the appropriate scarf ($225-$375), plus her own color coded swatch book ($49.50) that she can throw in her purse and take shopping with her, so she’ll pick her best colors every time.

Bonus! Jill has given ReallyRather readers an exclusive 10% off discount code: ReallyRather10.
Jill Kirsh Color products start at $14, at

If you’d like to see some really cheeky gifts for Mom, check these out. And if you’d like to see some truly life changing gifts for Mom, you’ll find them here.

Our Mother’s Day Gift Guide has 5 fabulous gifts for Mom, or any of the other ladies you love in your life.