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5 Fresh New Natural Deodorants — So Long Stink!

Declare freedom from funk with these 5 fresh new natural deodorants — they’re not all for your armpits, but they all smell sublime!

5 Fresh New Natural Deodorants
Photo by Bruce Mars

When you call a town “the armpit of…” it’s never a compliment. After all, armpits are often stubbly, sweaty, slimy, stinky and sometimes caked with white crust—neither aromatic nor attractive.

Now you can slay those stereotypes with fresh new natural deodorants that have recently appeared on the scene. We’ve come across new brands that can actually make armpits (and one other body part) attractive! At least to their owners, who are the ones that really matter.

Until we tried these five fresh new natural deodorants, we were unaware that A: natural deodorants really do work, and B: It is indeed possible to subvert the stink without using pore clogging antiperspirants. Oh, and we also never knew deodorants could smell so delicious!

Dare we say that with these ‘scentsations,’ the dreaded daily task of applying deodorant can actually be fun! We were sent ample samples to try at home, and started looking forward to the old post-shower ritual of rolling or rubbing it on. And the “bidet in a bottle” even made another bodily function a little less odious.

We know you’ll be as excited as we were to take a whiff of these

5 Fresh New Natural Deodorants

mindalt5 Fresh New Natural Deodorants

Can deodorant work on your mind as well as your body? We didn’t believe it either, until we tried  mindalt,  which blends non-toxic, naturally-occurring ingredients with 22 specific essential oils in a roll-on that is scientifically proven to impact your brain’s nervous system and positively alter your mood, boosting your overall well-being. Available In four types: Less Anxiety, which promotes calm and balance with lavender, clary sage and vetiver; More Focus, to increase concentration and alertness via cedar wood, eucalyptus and geranium; More Mindful, blend for clearing the mind and promoting awareness with lemongrass, basil and cedar wood (our favorite scent) and More Energy, which promotes positivity and stimulates metabolism with lemon, bergamot and sage. Each is all-natural, aluminum-free, paraben-free and cruelty-free. Available at

Price: $15.00 or get all four on special for $53

Crystal Magnesium Enriched5 Fresh New Natural Deodorants

CRYSTAL Magnesium Enriched Deodorants are brand new, vegan solid sticks that feature magnesium, a naturally occurring element which creates an easy transition from conventional anti-perspirants. It gives 24-hour odor protection without the downsides of aluminum or drying irritants like baking soda! We tried it, and it works, plus it’s not sticky, and leaves no nasty white marks on clothes. Really pleasant and not at all overpowering scents include Lavender + Rosemary, Coconut + Vanilla, Cucumber + Mint, Sea Salt + Sage, Charcoal + Tea Tree — the last two will even be appealing to guys, but Lavender + Rosemary and Coconut + Vanilla are our girly faves. Available at Sprouts, CVS and Amazon.

Price: $10.99

Hug Me5 Fresh New Natural Deodorants

Take it from supermodel Gigi Hadid, who posted about Blume’s Hug Me deodorant on Instagram with the caption “when I got pregnant I decided to find a good natural deodorant… @blume makes one that actually works.” Hug Me is a truly unscented probiotic deodorant with natural ingredients like Coconut Oil, Jojoba Oil and their proprietary blend of probiotics. Not only is Hug Me long-lasting, but it deeply nourishes the underarms leaving them clean and soft. All this and it’s aluminum free? Yes please! Available at

Price: $14.00

Attitude All Natural5 Fresh New Natural Deodorants

First of all, Attitude deodorants come in biodegradable all-paper packaging designed to reduce single-use plastic. Within the environment friendly packaging is aluminum-free deodorant made from natural, non-toxic ingredients such as arrow root and cornstarch, that absorb moisture and eliminate unpleasant odors naturally. They provide long-lasting protection without plugging up the body’s natural temperature regulating sweat system. They come in nice, unobtrusive scents including white tea, red vine, orange, lemon and unscented. We can’t decide if we like lemon or white tea best. Available at and on Amazon.

Price: $10.95

Zum Bum5 Fresh New Natural Deodorants

Not all deodorants are for your armpits. Sometimes you just need to unfrump your rump. Zum Bum is cleverly advertised as a “bidet in a bottle,” and is perfect post-workout or yoga, and any other time when you don’t have immediate access to a shower. Just splash a dash of Zum Bum on some t.p. and wipe those unfreshies away with this untainted product of witch hazel and essential oils, for a breath of fresh derriere! Who woulda thunk? Not us, until we tried it. Now it’s a permanent fixture in our gym bag. Available at

Price: $9.50

Declare freedom from funk with these 5 fresh new natural deodorants — they’re not all for your armpits, but they all smell sublime!