Tell a roommate, friend or S.O. your stomach is bothering you, and they’ll likely suggest you reach for that thick, chalky pink “liquid” that’s been sitting in your medicine cabinet for years. Just the thought of it makes your nausea even worse. And those salty, fizzy tablets could have the same negative effect.
Retch not. You’ll be relieved to know that you may have a less vile-tasting remedy sitting in your pantry or growing in your garden. In fact, some of the stomach ache aids listed below may even be downright tasty. If you don’t have them readily available, you might want to pick some up at the store or online to have them on hand for the next time your tummy tanks.
5 Simple Home Remedies for Stomach Aches

Ginger contains anti-inflammatory properties, as well as all natural chemicals called gingerols and shogaols, which can help reduce nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Drinking a nice hot cup of ginger tea can help, as can an all-natural ginger ale, which has the added benefit of carbonation — that’s also good for an upset stomach. Mind the sugar though — too much could make your stomach ache even worse.
The menthol in mint, whether it’s peppermint, spearmint or any other type, can relieve stomach pain, reduce muscle spasms in the intestines, reduce gas and heartburn and prevent vomiting and diarrhea. Getting mint into your system can be as simple as chewing on a mint leaf from your herb garden, sucking on a natural peppermint candy, or sipping peppermint or spearmint tea.
Cinnamon and/or cloves contain antioxidants and other substances that can help reduce nausea and vomitting, ease digestion, and reduce bloating, cramping, stomach acidity, heartburn, indigestion….even burping! If you don’t have cinnamon tea on hand, try adding one tsp of good-quality cinnamon powder, or an inch of cinnamon stick, along with a few cloves or a teaspoon of ground clove power, to boiling water. Manuka honey will make it even more palatable.
Coconut water
Your favorite coconut water not only rehydrates you, but it also contains high levels of potassium and magnesium that help reduce pain, muscle spasms, and cramps. Make sure there’s no added sugar, and sip it slowly at room temperature for the best effect.
Rice with basil and cumin
Rice is a bland, low-fiber, high-binding food known to be good for both people and animals with upset stomachs. Throw in a little basil, either dried or fresh, for its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to reduce gas, relieve cramping, and improve overall digestion. Top it all off with cumin, the healthy spice du jour, that can also reduce indigestion and excess stomach acids and reduce intestinal inflammation, and you have a delicious dish that will make you feel better in no time.
Whether you’ve over indulged or sampled something that doesn’t agree with you, these home remedies for stomach aches will have you smiling again in no time.