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5 FRIENDS Inspired Starbucks Drinks You’ll Want to Try

Set aside the plain drip and reach for one of these delicious 5 FRIENDS inspired Starbucks drinks.

5 FRIENDS inspired Starbucks drinks
Image: NBC Universal

This is “the one with the Friends inspired Starbucks drink” and it’s an episode, er, selection so yummy you’ll want to try them all.

Friends is a show we will never stop talking about or re-watching, so as the weather remains chilly and visions of peppermint mocha are dancing in our heads, now is the time take the TV show hype to your local coffee shop.

As part of their TikTok Coffee campaign, the mobiles team at Uswitch revealed 5 + 1 under-the-radar Friends-inspired drinks that you can order from the secret menu at Starbucks. Impress your own friends or try them all yourself as a pick-me-up during the the chilly winter season.

5 FRIENDS Inspired Starbucks Drinks You’ll Want to Try

The Monica – Nitro Cold Brew

Source: Instagram

Are you super organized, direct and tidy like Monica? If that sounds a little like your lifestyle, then why not try the Nitro Cold Brew? This drink is readily available on the Starbucks menu daily and is simply a cold black coffee over ice. Neat, to the point and an absolute classic, just like Monica. If ordering on the app or website, make sure to add in an additional shot option on the extras part of the menu, just to give you that signature Monica buzz. When someone compliments you on your taste in coffees, you can say: “I know!”

The Joey – Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino with White Mocha

5 FRIENDS inspired Starbucks drinks
Source: Instagram

If you always look forward to pumpkin spice season, then this one’s for you. Starbucks has attributed the classic drink to Joey, creating it using pumpkin spice flavors with a blend of coffee and milk. Some baristas have even gone a step further to make this drink a bit smoother, like Joey himself, by making the beverage with white mocha. How you doin’?

The Phoebe – Pumpkin Spice Latte

5 FRIENDS inspired Starbucks drinks
Source: Instagram

If Phoebe is your favorite, then why not pick up the Pumpkin Spice Latte while it’s still in stores. Bursting with sweet and spicy notes, the autumnal drink is definitely not for everybody but stands out from the crowd like Phoebe herself. Filled with nutmeg, cinnamon, espresso, and steamed milk the hot beverage is perfectly matched to the blonde’s eccentric personality. You might even be motivated to pick up an acoustic guitar.

The Rachel – Skinny Caramel Macchiato (with an added shot)

5 FRIENDS inspired Starbucks drinks
Source: Instagram

Next on the list is Rachel, the famous waitress turned Ralph Lauren executive. But what Starbucks drink should you order to match her sassy, no-nonsense attitude? Grab yourself a Skinny Caramel Macchiato and ask for an extra shot of Caramel to give it that classy Rachel feel. The character was always known for her extravagant lifestyle before her move to New York in a bid to be independent from her dad, and this drink represents that perfectly. Next up: a revival of the famous haircut!

The Ross – Flat White

5 FRIENDS inspired Starbucks drinks
Source: Instagram

If you are looking for something a bit simple and nonthreatening when it comes to ordering a FRIENDS-related drink, then ‘The Ross’ is perfect for you. The dad of two, known for his on and off-again relationship with Rachel and rocky personality, exudes sophistication yet predictability – just like the Flat White. Have this drink on your “break.”

The Chandler – Salted Caramel Mocha

5 FRIENDS inspired Starbucks drinks
Source: Instagram

Last up is ‘The Chandler.’ The character who famously married his long-time best friend Monica, along with shooting out many jokes and sarcastic quips each episode, inspired the Salted Caramel Mocha Drink. If you feel like ordering this sweet beverage to keep you warm on a cold crisp morning, order a double shot of espresso with a splash of milk and two pumps of classic syrup. Dry, salty, yet strangely comforting – the drink is the epitome of Chandler in all his glory.

So, which FRIENDS inspired Starbucks drink tickles your tastebuds?

Set aside the plain drip and reach for one of these delicious 5 FRIENDS inspired Starbucks drinks.