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Which Friend Are You Most Like? Find Out What You Have in Common

Am I a Monica, Phoebe or Rachel? Am I attracted to Joey, Ross or Chandler? Find out which Friend are you most like, and what that could mean.

which friend are you most like

Friends lasted 10 years on network television (1994 – 2004) but to this day it remains one of the most bing-worthy shows ever. After all these years, we’re still relating to this funny but complicated group of guys and gals, and taking the lessons they taught us to heart.

Which Friends character did you relate to most? Have you ever tried to analyze which Friend are you most like? There’s probably not a person who watched this show who didn’t wonder, “Am I more of a Monica or a Phoebe?” And you got “the Rachel” haircut back in the 90s… admit it! Also, almost everyone has a Friend of the opposite sex that they’re most attracted to.

To be honest, most of us thought they were all a little bit neurotic, didn’t we? It wouldn’t have been funny or touching if everyone was well put together and moving forward without a hitch.

The folks at Bloom, the leading self-therapy app, realized this, and recently observed each Friend’s character type, suggesting the types of therapy that might be helpful to them. They reasoned that if you relate to one character above all others, the type of therapy that would help them might help you as well.

Bloom took a look at the Friends characters’ traits and trials, as noted below. If, after reading the descriptions, you’re still not sure about which Friend are you most like (we weren’t), there’s a fun quiz you can take that will tell you a little more about which one you’re closest to. You’ll probably be surprised (we were).

Which Friend are You Most Like?

Photo by: Trae Patton/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank

Monica Geller (The Uptight One)

Monica strikes many as the most uptight and perhaps neurotic of the main characters – known for being ultra-competitive, a perfectionist, and someone who hates losing. Her passion – bordering on obsession? – for cleanliness and organization often gets in her way in her relationships.

Chandler Bing (The Insecure One)

Chandler is the most insecure of the six characters. He still carries the trauma of his parents’ divorce. He lacks confidence and feels anxious and awkward with others, especially women. He uses humor and defensiveness to deflect his anxiety. Oddly enough, he fears both loneliness and commitment. He struggles to make career decisions.

Ross Geller (The Nerdy One)

Ross has a talent for screwing up his relationships, leading to three divorces, which in turn still cause him pain, low moods, and depression. He can seem variously whiny, arrogant, and defensive. He also has anger management issues, but can also be very kind.

Rachel Green (The Spoiled One)

Rachel also has trouble handling personal relationships. She can be spoiled and self-involved. She is indecisive and lacks assertiveness.

Joey Tribbiani (The Simple One)

Joey worries about money, criticism and his less than brilliant career as an actor. He can also struggle with relationships and gets depressed after Rachel rejects him.

Phoebe Buffay (The Eccentric One)

Phoebe is the weird and wacky one – at least on the surface, since she’s also the with one the darkest past and worst childhood, after her mother first abandoned her and her twin sister Ursula and later committed suicide. Ursula hates her. She seems to avoid expressing how she feels about her difficulties, challenges and childhood trauma.

Still having trouble figuring out which Friends character are you most like? Bloom has come out with a more upbeat quiz that can get you close. It’s a lot of fun, and might help you learn a little about yourself.  Take the quiz here.

The Friends reunion, titled ‘The One Where They Get Back Together,’ starts streaming on HBO Max on Thursday, May 27.



Want to see some other great TV shows to look forward to? Click here and here.

Am I a Monica, Phoebe or Rachel? Am I attracted to Joey, Ross or Chandler? Find out which Friend are you most like, and what that could mean.