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The 5 Most Common Sex Dreams: What Do They Mean?

If you’ve ever been confused by a naughty dream, you’re not alone. Find out if you’ve had one of the 5 most common sex dreams, and find out why.

5 Most Common Sex Dreams: What Do They Mean?
Photo: Alexandra Gorn

Not only are randy dreams common, but there are also certain themes that reoccur time and time again, depending on what’s going on in our waking lives. surveyed over 2,000 adults to see what may be the most common sex dreams. Some of the meanings behind our saucy dreams just might surprise you!

While many of us forget our dreams within moments of waking up, they can have a big impact on others. Almost half of the people in the From Mars sex dream survey said they’d felt attracted to someone after dreaming about them, with 36% actually telling the person they’d featured in a sex dream. Hmmmm —that could be either awesome or awkward!

When asked about the most common sex dreams, having an orgasm came out on top, with 72% of adults saying they’d climaxed in a dream. This one is a mind-blower: 20% of adults have argued with a partner based on something that happened in a dream, while 10% have taken it a step further and broken up!

5 Most Common Sex Dreams and What They Mean

Your partner has cheated on you

Photo: Vera Arsic

This isn’t always about the sex, but could instead be a sign that you’re feeling anxious or insecure. Perhaps you feel you’re not spending enough quality time with your partner, or are jealous of the time they’re spending with someone else.

You’ve been naked in a public place

Photo: Alexander Krivitskiy

Rather than symbolizing a desire to actually be buck-naked in public, this common dream is more likely to relate to feeling embarrassed about something other people may not know and can reflect feelings of vulnerability or inferiority.

You’ve had the Big O

Photo: WeVibe

Dreaming about having an orgasm can be a reflection of sexual desire, whether achieved or unfulfilled. Sometimes, it can be a sign that you’re not feeling satisfied with your current sex life and need to discuss your feelings with your partner.

You’ve had a saucy experience involving multiple people

Dreaming about group sex can be a sign that you’re feeling confused or overwhelmed in your normal life, and need to slow down and take stock of things.

You’ve been very naughty in a public place

Photo: Jonathan Borba

Rather than being symbolic of secret exhibitionist desires, dreaming about having sex in public can instead be linked to feelings of vulnerability or fear of a secret coming out. Alternatively, it can be caused by a desire to shock other people, through attention-seeking behavior.

Sex and Relationship Coach Lucy Rowett says that the pandemic may even be influencing our subconscious: “Because of the undue stress we’ve all been under, you may have experienced more intense sexual dreams or dreams that you didn’t use to have pre-pandemic. There can be any number of reasons behind our dreams, but try not to worry about the content. Your erotic subconscious is infinite, and can often present scenarios that you’d never think about doing in real life, and that’s okay!”

If you’ve ever been confused by a naughty dream, you’re not alone. Find out if you’ve had one of the 5 most common sex dreams, and find out why.